當前位置:汽車配件110網 >> 供\求\合作、代理、招聘信息中心 >> 供應 >>KLUBER PROBA 270滑動閥門潤滑脂 |
詳細內容:產品基本信息: 型號:SYNTHESO PROBA 270 英文名稱:Kluber SYNTHESO PROBA 270 粘度等級:NLGI 品牌/產地:克魯勃,德國 包裝規(guī)格及價格:1KG/1080 25KG/17000 類型:閥門潤滑脂 寶貝描述: SYNTHESO PROBA 270, 330閥門滑動軸承潤滑脂 說明:SYNTHESO PROBA270和330是基于聚亞烷基二醇潤滑脂與鋇皂增稠劑應用受冷和熱水,例如:在高溫高壓滅菌器和印染設備。 應用: - 對于哪些是閥門和配件受冷,熱水和不與自來水接觸 - 對于滑動軸承,以增加滑動的能力和服務生活。 - 對于許多rubberelastic大會援助材料。 - SYNTHESO PROBA 270,330潤滑脂與許多兼容橡膠彈性材料。在上午數(shù)據是基于我們目前的知識和經驗。他們測定的方法抽測。由于許多不同的彈性體和油脂組成我們建議在檢查其兼容性完整的組件之前系列的應用程序。 包裝規(guī)格:1千克罐 25千克金屬桶 德語: SYNTHESO PROBA 270, 330 Grease for valves, fittings and plain bearings Description SYNTHESO PROBA 270 and 330 are greases based on polyalkylene glycol and barium soap thickener for applications subject to cold and hot water, e.g. in autoclaves and hightemperature dyeing installations. Application - For valves and fittings which are subject to cold and hot water and not in contact with tap water - For plain bearings to increase their sliding capacity and service life. - Assembly aid for many rubberelastic materials. - SYNTHESO PROBA 270/330 greases are compatible with many rubber-elastic materials. The a.m. data are based on our current knowledge and experience. They were determined by means of sampling tests. Owing to the many different elastomer and grease compositions we recommend checking their compatibility on the complete component prior to series application. Application notes The lubricant can be applied by brush or spatula onto the clean and degreased surface. Minimum shelf life The minimum shelf life is approx. 36 months if the product is stored in its unopened original container in a dry place. Pack sizes Syntheso Proba 270 1 x 1 kg can 1 x 25 kg metal bucket 25 x 50 g PE tube Syntheso Proba 330 1 x 25 kg metal bucketSYNTHESO PROBA 270/330 Good resistance to hot water and aqueous alkaline solutions Good ageing resistance Neutral towards many rubberelastic materials
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